I am a huge believer in setting goals and the idea; if you can write it, you can achieve it. What has me so excited about Nate's post, is it has me setting goals at a whole new level. The idea to "Feed Your 'Ideal Self' and Starve Your Shadow" is perfect.
"Our ideal self is the kind of guy we want to be. He’s authentic and confident.
He’s humble yet strong. Competitive yet relaxed.
Our shadow self, on the other hand, is the guy we don’t like. He’s the guy we’re not proud of. The guy who says stupid shit, gives up when things get tough, and seems kinda like a loser. And he’s always there, lurking in our heads, ready to bust out and screw everything up or embarrass us.
Most guys run from their shadow or try to ignore him. But thinking about him constantly — or trying not
to think about him — only makes him stronger. That’s because whatever you feed, grows.
We’ve learned the only way to silence our shadow is to accept him. Because when you become aware
of your shadow and all his baggage, you’re free to stop thinking about him.
You take away all his power." -Nate Green
First thing I did after reading Nate's post was come up with my 'Ideal Self' v Shadow Self list. Once I had my first list done, I wrote it again but with 6 categories in mind: Professional, Financial, Spiritual, Family, Friends and Leisure Time. It's been 5 days since I read Nate's post and I believe I've now written my list 7 times and will probably rewrite it many more times.
Once I was 'finished' with Rule 1, I jumped to Rule 3. I felt after creating my 'Ideal Self' it would be fitting to "Plan My Perfect Day" as my 'Ideal Self' and 'Ideal Day' seem to feed off one another. Again, I've probably rewritten my 'Ideal Day' 7 times. Each time I rewrote my 'Ideal Day' it became more precise and vivid. My first draft was, 4:15am - Wake Up and my current draft is, 4:15am - Wake Up Refreshed and Ready for an Amazing Day. My first draft was, 6:45pm - Eat Dinner and my current draft it, 6:45pm - Eat a Healthy, Tasty Dinner Over Great Conversation with my Wife. By creating my 'Ideal Day' as vivid and precise as possible I am able to really see what I'm working towards. My 'Ideal Day' is going to be amazing!
After having finished Rules 1 and 3, I went back to "Make My Own Rules". As my 'Ideal Self' and 'Ideal Day' fed off one another, my 'Ideal Self' and 'My Own Rules' are doing the same. Again, I'm using the 6 categories to "Make My Own Rules". As I'm creating 'My Own Rules' I am doing as Nate said to do, "Once you have them, print them out and put your list in a place you’ll see it often." Since 'My Own Rules' are still new to me, I am looking at them and saying them aloud daily to cement them as habit.
Setting goals for yourself is something you should be doing on a weekly basis. Goals push you, keep you focused and move you to "work towards something greater". If you have never set a goal before, set one for today, accomplish it today and then celebrate it. Make goals an important part of your life and see how your attitude changes.
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