So I asked the question, "What frustrates you about fitness?". Your answers, "Motivation".
mo-ti-va-tion: noun 1. the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. 2. the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
I struggled with motivation for most of my adult life. Once my collegiate baseball playing days were over, I could have given a shit about anything. Obviously, that's how I found myself over weight and out of shape. Once I found a reason to take action I found the desire to do something about my situation.
What is your reason? What will fuel your desire?
For me it was turning 30 and wanting to be in the best shape of my life. For you, it can be...
I will be a role model for my children and show them how to live a healthy lifestyle.
I am going to lose ___ pounds so that I can: live a healthy and productive life, regain the energy and zest for life that I've lost, etc.
I am going to become a runner and sign up for my first 5k.
There are too many examples to give you and even if I wrote them all, I still wouldn't be able to come up with the perfect reason for you. YOU have to find the reason! YOU have to search for what is going to fuel your desire.
Once you've found your reason or reasons, you will be unstoppable. If you can see it or dream it, you can achieve it. If your reason is, "I will be a role model for my children". You need to say that in first-person, present tense, "I am a role model for my children" and you need to say if everyday and often throughout the day. Your mind will believe this and you will begin acting in such a way that you will become a role model to your children.
Find your reason. Find your desire. Write it. Repeat it. Succeed! "Work towards something greater."
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
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