Monday, June 18, 2012

I haven't seen any results, so I quit!

How many times have you said, "I haven't seen any results, so I quit!"?  And did you?  If you did, I want to ask you a couple questions: What results were you looking for?  Are you sure there were no results?  What kind of effort were you putting forth?  Were you sabotaging your hard work?  It pains me to see individuals get up enough courage to begin a fitness program and throw it away because they "haven't seen any results".

What results are you looking for?  First there has to be a specific goal you are wanting to achieve.  You can't just say, "I wanna get fit."  If your goal is to get "fit" you must have the following conversation with yourself....

"I wanna get fit." .... "What do I mean by fit?"
"I guess I mean be toned." .... "What does toned mean to me?"
"Not carrying as much fat over my entire body." .... "How much body fat do I have to lose?"
"Well I could probably stand to lose at least 20." .... "How much body fat DO I HAVE TO LOSE?"
"I have 40 pounds of body fat that I can lose."

You have to take a general goal (to be fit) and make it a specific goal (I have 40 pounds of body fat to lose).  Without specific goals you won't know what results to look for.

Are you sure there were no results?  Once you've started your fitness program, you need to look in more places than just your bathroom scale for results.  Yes, I know your main goal is to lose weight and the scale didn't move one ounce this week and you've only lost four pounds this month.  If you scale isn't budging it's time to have the following conversation with yourself...

"Am I stronger cardiovascularly now then I was 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"
"Am I physically stronger then I was 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"
"Are my clothes fitting better then they did 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"
"Do I have more energy then I did 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"
"Can I physically make it through the day better then I could 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"

How about that?  You have actually seen some pretty good results.  You just have to know where to look.  It's not all about the number on the scale, even when it's all about the number on the scale.  Take a minute to look and you'll be able to find results that keep your fitness program rock'n.

What kind of effort are you putting forth?  Your effort has to match your expected results.  If you want to see big changes you have to make big changes.  Personally I set a goal today to drop my body fat by 5% and at my current body fat percentage dropping 5% is going to take some changes that test me like I've never been tested.  That being said, I can't just go out, walk 30 minutes a day and hope that my body fat drops.  Are you walking 30 minutes a day hoping to lose 40 pounds?  Are you only exercising three days a week, trying to lose a 100 pounds so that you don't die before your kids get married?  If you are it's time to make sure the effort you're putting forth is as serious as the goals which you have set for yourself.  

Where you sabotaging your hard work?  It sounds crazy but it happens.  Shit, I do it all the damn time.  M&M's, wine, pizza, beer, pancakes, ice cream and dinners out.  I eat all that shit but luckily I've been training long enough that I can get away with a little crap here and there.  You can not!  If you are just starting a fitness program, that crap has to go and it has to go now.  Once you've reached all of your fitness goals, you may indulge again, but until then you have to stop sabotaging all your hard work.  You don't show up to your work, bust your ass all day for the man and then say, "you know what, go ahead and keep my salary, I'm good."  So why do you bust your ass in your workout and than zero out all that work by eating and drinking crap?  Stop sabotaging all your hard work!!!

I know first hand the courage it takes to start a fitness program.  Don't let that courage go to waste by: setting crappy goals, not realising how far you've actually come, not putting forth the effort that your goals demand or simply sabotaging yourself.  It's not easy to "work towards something greater."  However, the reward is very, very worth it!

Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!

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