"Work toward something greater!" Whatever you can hold in your mind on a continuous basis, you can be, have or do. When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways you can make them come true.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Tips For Successful Twenty Thirteen Resolutions
Write down your goals. One of the best things I heard in twenty twelve was: your goals are only dreams until you write them down. It is so true; you have to commit to your goals by writing them on paper. My advice to when writing goals is to write them S.M.A.R.T.E.R.
Specific - tell yourself exactly what you are going to do.
Measurable - if you can't measure it, you can't manage it.
Action Oriented - use action words.
Realistic - should push you but not break you.
Trackable - establish concrete criteria for measuring the attainment of each goal.
End Point - give yourself a clear and precise target to work toward.
Rewarding - this goal has to be something YOU want, not something you think others want.
How I used to write my resolution: This year I'm going to get back in shape. The same resolution but written SMARTER: I am going to Dead Lift 300 pounds on July 1st and do so by training my hamstrings, glutes and back 2 times/week. After you've written your goals SMARTER and committed to them on paper, put the piece of paper somewhere you will see them every single day. The more you see your goals, visualize yourself accomplishing them and enjoying the reward of your accomplishments, the less likely you are to be derailed.
Don't try to change everything at once. The best thing I read this year was: when making lifestyle changes, if you make 1 change at a time you have 85% odds of succeeding, if you make 2 changes at the same time your odds drop drastically to 35% and if you make 3 or more changes at once your odds are a measly 10%. They say it takes 21 days for changes to become habit, so if your resolution includes a lifestyle change consider breaking your resolution down into 3 week resolutions and change 1 thing at a time.
If your resolution consists of going to the gym more, weight loss and eating better. this is what I would do:
Weeks 1-3: Form you gym habit and commit. During the first 3 weeks, you can not let yourself stray from your schedule!
Weeks 4-6: Eliminate your worst eating habit (late night snacking, dining out, etc.) and replace it with a healthier option (not snacking after dinner, cooking meals at home, etc.).
Weeks 7-9: What was your second worst eating habit has now become your worst. Eliminate it!
Weeks 10-12: Switch up your workout routine: add weight training, add another day of exercise, find a new way of incorporating cardio.
Weeks 13+: Keep making one change at a time until you have accomplished your goal.
Find a partner in crime. Exercising is SO much easier when you aren't doing it alone. If you can find someone of approximately the same fitness level who is working toward approximately the same goal, commit to working toward your goals together. If you have someone to meet after work or bright and early Saturday morning, you are more likely to get to the gym so you don't let them down. Can't find a partner in crime and you know you need someone to hold you accountable? Hire a personal trainer. I'm not going to preach training because that is not what this blog is about. However, if you have questions regarding personal training you may contact me via email trainerjasonbelz@gmail.com Even I need a partner in crime when it comes to training. I can find any excuse not to go on that long training run if I'm doing it on my own.
Tell others your goals. If you don't have a partner in crime but are looking for a little accountability and outside motivation; tell others, who are goal setters, what you are working toward. DO NOT tell your goals to the assholes in your inner circle. Assholes are: individuals in your inner circle who resist change, individuals who never seem to have anything positive to say, individuals that mock others outside of your inner circle who seem to be living a good life, etc. I used to be an asshole.
If you are going to open yourself up, make sure you open yourself up to the supportive people in your life. Find those, in any one of your circles, who are setting and accomplishing goals currently. If you're reading this; I am now in your circle. I would be happy to ((high five)) you as you accomplish one goal after another.
Stay positive. Making a life change or "working toward something greater" is not easy. You may face rejection, be forced to re-plan, get forced off your routine or deal with an injury. When this happens, it is very important to keep the positive energy moving forward and not to give into negativity. Don't let this type of self talk creep into your head: "I knew I couldn't do it." "I knew I was weak." "So-and-so was right, it's not something for me." Instead use self talk like: "I will find a new way." "I'm strong enough to get through this."
You create your attitude. If you tell yourself you can, you will. If you tell yourself you're happy, you will be. If you tell yourself you're a strong individual, you are. I got asked just the other day, "Do you ever have a bad day? I mean, your always so positive and up beat. Don't you just have a day where your like...blah?" The answer is NO! Why; because I don't let myself have a blah day and you can be the exact same way.
My last bit of advice is: Do what works for you! I don't know everything. I don't have all the answers. There are hundreds of ways to achieve greatness in your life; these are what work for me. If you find something that works for you, keep doing it. I hope you all have a fantastic New Year and a very successful twenty thirteen. I can't wait to see what the New Year brings for all of us! -jason b.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Lift Weights to Lose Weight, Ladies!
Ladies, I want to address a question that I know some of you are struggling with. "Why am I having trouble losing weight?" Sadly there is no "one size fits all" answer to this question. However I have an answer that I think can work for most of you.
Weight Training!!
"But I don't want to be big and bulky," you say. You won't!! Really, you won't look like the man-ladies you see on the covers of Muscle&Fitness and other body building magazines. First thing, you do not have sufficient levels of testosterone in your bodies, like men do in theirs, to develop large muscle mass. Second, if you were to have a slightly elevated level of testosterone, for a woman, it would still take years of training to see the results that you are afraid of seeing.
Weight training is beneficial to sustained weight loss because muscle is energy dependent. The cellular energy our muscles require is called glucose, which is a simple form of sugar that serves as fuel for the body. Everything we eat is converted to glucose by our digestive system and after our digestive system has converted our food to glucose, our body will either use it as cellular energy or store it as body fat. One way to keep the body from storing glucose as body fat is to have enough lean body mass, or muscle, to efficiently use all the glucose produced.
Another benefit of weight training in regards to weight loss is an increase in your metabolism. A pound of lean muscle burns about 4 times as many calories per day as a pound of body fat. So promote and build lean muscle mass and you will burn more calories per day.
Your Weight Training Workout
Weight training doesn't have to be scary. Weight training doesn't have to be fancy. If you have never weight trained before, I would start you off with something like this...
Weight Training Program for Beginners
weight day, cardio day, rest day and repeat
Warm-up | 10 minutes
get your blood flowing and feel your body temp rising with full-body movements
- body weight squats, jump rope, arm circles, lunges, etc.
Balance Work | 2-3 minutes
balance is important to keep your body in natural alignment
Working Super Sets | 2 sets / 8-12 reps each
- the weight should challenge you for all reps
- if 12 reps can be performed without challenge, increase weight
- perform one set of ea. exercise (a, b, then c) before repeating one more time
- 45 second rest between sets
**please ask someone to show you proper form if you have never performed these exercises**
1a. Bench Push Ups
1b. Leg Press
1c. Plank
2a. Cable Seated Rows
2b. Good Mornings -or- Dead Lifts
2c. Side Plank
3a. Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press
3b. Assisted Pull Ups -or- Cable Lat Pull Downs
3c. Leg Raises
Stretching and Foam Rolling | 15 minutes
keep your new muscles long and looking sexy!
This workout should get you in and out of the gym in no more then 60 minutes. Weight training doesn't mean hours spent at the gym and as you become more efficient, you may be able to finish in 45 minutes. However, efficient DOES NOT mean skipping your stretching and foam rolling!!
If you live in or near Overland Park, Kansas, I would be happy to have you as my guest, at the gym where I train, to show you how to properly perform these exercises. You may contact me through private message on my facebook page (Trainer Jason). I would love to help you "work toward something greater." -jason b.
Monday, December 10, 2012
I Turned 1!
I can't believe that I turned 1 as a trainer last week. It is absolutely amazing how time flies when you don't have to go to work. This has been by far the best year of my life. (Well, the second best year. The best year happened to be the year I married my best friend.) Over the last year I've been able to: teach, motivate, push, empower, listen to, coach, piss-off (only while pushing weight plates across the gym floor) and ((high five)) so many fantastic people.
I would like to first thank all the individuals who I've been fortunate enough to work
with over the last three hundred sixty-five....
Angie V (1st Client and still kicking ass together), Amelia M, Angelina M, Courtney B, Molly C, Keri A, Jamie L, Stephanie P, Kim P, Rebecca P, Dave V, Mark W, Michelle E, Sonya W, Dalal E, Paula A, Vivian G, Jacqueline E, Nichole L, Patton W, Ryha K, Spencer G, Scott S, Susan S, Kelli B, David H, Sarah H, Bob F, John H, Wanda H, Robert C, Bill B, Richard R, Don D, Lauren B, Rebecca S, Alyson S,
Maggie W, Beth H, Steve G, Josh L, Doug R, Sue S and I'm so sorry if I forgot someone.
I would also like to thank all of you who have followed and supported me on facebook!!
As I begin looking forward to year number two, I can't help but be excited. I've set a personal goal of running the "Rock the Parkway 1/2 Marathon" in April. I have also let myself get talked into the "Miami Man 1/2 Iron Triathlon" in November (depending on how my knee handles my 1/2 marathon). A couple goals for my blog: I will write 14 new posts (this one doesn't count), I will grow to 75 followers (People that actually hit the follow button on my blog. So please, if you haven't already, follow my blog. I would also love if you shared all the posts you enjoy.), and I will hit 15,000 page views (I got 4,400 in year one. I can get 10,600 in year two; right?).
I've also set one goal for my training: I will be a better trainer in twenty-thirteen than I was in twenty-twelve!
Again, I want to say "Thank you" to everyone who allowed me to be a part of their lives this past year. It has been fantastic having you be a part of my life as I "work toward something greater." -jason b.
I've also set one goal for my training: I will be a better trainer in twenty-thirteen than I was in twenty-twelve!
Again, I want to say "Thank you" to everyone who allowed me to be a part of their lives this past year. It has been fantastic having you be a part of my life as I "work toward something greater." -jason b.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Find the Right People and You'll Be Unstoppable
Have you ever dreamed a dream so big and crazy that it left you wanting to run through a brick wall to achieve it? How long where you able to hold on to the emotional rush you had, knowing you were going to be eternally happy? When did it all come crashing down? Why didn't you take on the world?
I've been there. I know the feelings, both high and low. I also know the exact moment I would give up on myself. Until a couple years ago, it would all come crashing down when I got to the point of telling my dream to my inner-circle. As soon as I was about to blow the top off my life and be eternally happy; I would think about how my inner-circle would mock me, secretly laugh at me, tell me I'm out of my mind, etc. So I did what I think most people do; instead of chasing my dream, I told myself I was out of my mind.
Today when I dream a dream so big and crazy; I run through the fucking wall full steam ahead. Today I don't take a single second to think about what others will say. Why? Because I have positioned myself close to individuals who I know will cheer me, push me, celebrate me, ((high five)) me, support me, etc.
First thing you need to do is find the successful individuals already in your life. Successful does not necessarily mean: rich, powerful or important. Successful does mean: they are doing what they love, they are happy, they are in fulfilling and meaningful relationships, etc. The successful individuals already in your life should be the individuals you spend most of your time being around. They say you are the average of the five individuals you spend the most time with; so if you spend your time around five successful individuals, you will be successful.
Secondly, you need to search out individuals who are already living the dream you want to live. It's the individuals already living your dream that can support you in ways your other successful friends may not be able to. If you want to be a freelance photographer, but you do not know one, you need to find a way to become friends with one. If you want to become a healthy, fit and active individual, but you do not know any individuals who are, you need to get out and meet healthy, fit and active individuals.
Finally, once you have singled out the successful individuals already in your life and become friends with individuals who are already living your dream; you need to ask them questions all the time. Ask them about how they got where they are. Ask them about their goals and what or who they are aspiring to be. Ask them what worked and didn't work as they have became who they are. Most importantly, ask for support. When your inner-circle is aware of your dreams and your goals they will support and motivate you to "work toward something greater."
Find the right people to surround yourself with and you will be unstoppable!!!
I've been there. I know the feelings, both high and low. I also know the exact moment I would give up on myself. Until a couple years ago, it would all come crashing down when I got to the point of telling my dream to my inner-circle. As soon as I was about to blow the top off my life and be eternally happy; I would think about how my inner-circle would mock me, secretly laugh at me, tell me I'm out of my mind, etc. So I did what I think most people do; instead of chasing my dream, I told myself I was out of my mind.
Today when I dream a dream so big and crazy; I run through the fucking wall full steam ahead. Today I don't take a single second to think about what others will say. Why? Because I have positioned myself close to individuals who I know will cheer me, push me, celebrate me, ((high five)) me, support me, etc.
Where did I find these individuals? How can you find these individuals?
First thing you need to do is find the successful individuals already in your life. Successful does not necessarily mean: rich, powerful or important. Successful does mean: they are doing what they love, they are happy, they are in fulfilling and meaningful relationships, etc. The successful individuals already in your life should be the individuals you spend most of your time being around. They say you are the average of the five individuals you spend the most time with; so if you spend your time around five successful individuals, you will be successful.
Secondly, you need to search out individuals who are already living the dream you want to live. It's the individuals already living your dream that can support you in ways your other successful friends may not be able to. If you want to be a freelance photographer, but you do not know one, you need to find a way to become friends with one. If you want to become a healthy, fit and active individual, but you do not know any individuals who are, you need to get out and meet healthy, fit and active individuals.
Finally, once you have singled out the successful individuals already in your life and become friends with individuals who are already living your dream; you need to ask them questions all the time. Ask them about how they got where they are. Ask them about their goals and what or who they are aspiring to be. Ask them what worked and didn't work as they have became who they are. Most importantly, ask for support. When your inner-circle is aware of your dreams and your goals they will support and motivate you to "work toward something greater."
Find the right people to surround yourself with and you will be unstoppable!!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Are You Tired of Having to Restart?
I have three quick questions to ask you....
Are you tired of having to "get in shape"?
Are you tired of having to "lose the extra weight"?
Are you tired of having to restart?
Getting in shape, or losing weight, is hard. I know, I've done it. I have kept forty-five pounds off for over three years now. Want to know how I lost that weight? I didn't give up when it got tough, or when I got busy, or when I didn't want to, or when I plateaued, or when my inner circle tried to give me shit for getting healthy. I got in shape, lost weight and became a personal trainer because I wanted to "work toward something greater".
You can too! You can get in shape, lose weight and "work toward something greater", as long as you don't give up. When it get's tough, and it will, ask for help. Find a workout buddy to keep you on track and push you when times get tough. When your life get's busy, you have to make sacrifices to get your workouts in. Morning workouts are great because they don't allow you time to make excuses throughout the day as to why you should skip the gym. If you have friends that don't support what you are doing, sorry but they aren't your friends. They are just lazy assholes that don't want you to achieve anything because that will make them feel lazy.
Getting in shape, losing weight or "working toward something greater" is a lifestyle change. Are you ready to make the change?
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
My Realizations After Six Weeks Off
Monday was my first day back working out after taking a six week break. My original plan was to take four weeks off to let my body rest and recover but as it turned out my body forced me to take an extra two weeks off. I feel great now that I have been able to get two great workouts in but I did not feel so great during my six weeks off.
My realizations after six weeks off: my sleep habits changed, my energy levels dropped, I had no motivation, I found myself feeling depressed, my eating habits changed and overall I just wasn't myself.
On a normal night it takes me about three minutes to fall asleep. Over the last six weeks however there were nights where I would lie in bed up to an hour before falling asleep. There were also nights when I would wake up and not be able to completely fall back asleep. So with my sleep turning to shit, my energy levels dropped quite a bit. Instead of having enough energy for myself and another average individual, I found it difficult to keep my energy up long enough to make it until noon. Being tired all day resulted in having no motivation to write or grow my business. Worst of all, I had no motivation to better myself.
It was around the beginning of week five that I began feeling depressed at times. I know most of the depressed feelings centered around being forced to take an extra two weeks off but I was also down on myself for not writing, growing my business or continuing to better myself. To deal with my feelings of depression, I did what many individuals do: I ate and drank. I found any excuse to have a glass of wine or a beer when I got home from work and portion control at dinner was no where to be found. Then after shoveling my face full of food, I would beat myself up for it resulting in more depressed feelings.
What was my problem? My problem was that I did not have a plan, or goal, going into my four week rest and recovery phase. When I'm working out, I constantly have a goal that I am working toward. So why didn't I set one for my rest and recovery phase? I have no idea. For the first time in a very long time I was not "working toward something greater" and I believe that is what lead me to not feel and act like myself.
It is so important to set goals for yourself. Without goals, and a plan to achieve them, we are simply wondering through life with nothing to celebrate. When we set goals and achieve them we are able to celebrate our accomplishments. There is a heightened sense of self-worth that comes with achievement. When you have great self-worth you don't feel depressed, you don't search out food or alcohol for comfort, you do feel energized, you do feel motivated and you continue to "work toward something greater!"
Set a goal. Achieve it. Celebrate your achievement. Set another goal. And Repeat!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
My realizations after six weeks off: my sleep habits changed, my energy levels dropped, I had no motivation, I found myself feeling depressed, my eating habits changed and overall I just wasn't myself.
On a normal night it takes me about three minutes to fall asleep. Over the last six weeks however there were nights where I would lie in bed up to an hour before falling asleep. There were also nights when I would wake up and not be able to completely fall back asleep. So with my sleep turning to shit, my energy levels dropped quite a bit. Instead of having enough energy for myself and another average individual, I found it difficult to keep my energy up long enough to make it until noon. Being tired all day resulted in having no motivation to write or grow my business. Worst of all, I had no motivation to better myself.
It was around the beginning of week five that I began feeling depressed at times. I know most of the depressed feelings centered around being forced to take an extra two weeks off but I was also down on myself for not writing, growing my business or continuing to better myself. To deal with my feelings of depression, I did what many individuals do: I ate and drank. I found any excuse to have a glass of wine or a beer when I got home from work and portion control at dinner was no where to be found. Then after shoveling my face full of food, I would beat myself up for it resulting in more depressed feelings.
What was my problem? My problem was that I did not have a plan, or goal, going into my four week rest and recovery phase. When I'm working out, I constantly have a goal that I am working toward. So why didn't I set one for my rest and recovery phase? I have no idea. For the first time in a very long time I was not "working toward something greater" and I believe that is what lead me to not feel and act like myself.
It is so important to set goals for yourself. Without goals, and a plan to achieve them, we are simply wondering through life with nothing to celebrate. When we set goals and achieve them we are able to celebrate our accomplishments. There is a heightened sense of self-worth that comes with achievement. When you have great self-worth you don't feel depressed, you don't search out food or alcohol for comfort, you do feel energized, you do feel motivated and you continue to "work toward something greater!"
Set a goal. Achieve it. Celebrate your achievement. Set another goal. And Repeat!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Menopause Weight Gain: Stop the Middle Age Spread
Menopause. Do you know how it effects weight gain or weight loss? Gretchen Huebert, nutrition coach and registered dietitian at Prairie Life Fitness, has been kind enough to share her knowledge on the subject with us today.
Menopause weight gain: Stop the
middle age spread
Most women gain weight as they age, but excess pounds aren’t
inevitable. To minimize menopause weight
gain, step up your activity level and enjoy a healthy diet.
What causes menopause
weight gain?
Hormonal changes alone don’t necessarily trigger weight gain
after menopause, however. Instead, the
weight gain is usually related to a variety of lifestyle and genetic factors. The most profound weight gain in a woman’s
life tends to happen during the years leading up to menopause.
For example, menopausal women tend to exercise less than
other women, which can lead to weight gain.
In addition, muscle mass naturally diminishes with age. If you don’t do anything to replace the lean
muscle you lose, your body composition will shift to more fat and less muscle-
which slows down your metabolism. If you
continue to eat as you always have, you’re likely to gain weight.
Weight gain after menopause can have serious implications
for your health. Excess weight increases
the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. In turn, these conditions increase the risk
of heart disease and stroke. Excess
weight also increases the risk of various types of cancer, including colorectal
and breast cancers. Some research
suggests that gaining as little as 4.4 pounds at age 50 or later could increase
the risk of breast cancer by 30%.
What’s the best way
to prevent weight gain after menopause?
There is no magical formula for preventing or reversing
weight gain after menopause. Simply
stick to the weight-control basics:
· Move more. Aerobic activity can help you shed excess
pounds or simply maintain a healthy weight.
Strength training counts too. As
you gain muscle, your body burns more calories.
As a general goal, include at least 30 minutes of physical activity
daily and do strength training twice a week.
If you want lose weight, you need to increase the aerobic activity to
45-60 minutes at least 4-5 times per week.
· Eat less. To maintain your current weight you may need
about 200 fewer calories a day during your 50s, than you did in your 30s and
40s. To reduce calories without skimping
on nutrition, pay attention to what you’re eating and drinking. Choose more fruits and vegetables and whole
grains. Set a goal of 25-30 grams of fiber per day. This alone will lead you down the path of a
nutrient dense and calorically lighter diet. Select lean protein sources and
don’t skip meals because this leads to overeating later.
· Seek
support. Surround yourself with
friends and loved ones who will support your efforts. You may benefit from consulting with a Registered
Dietitian to access your daily needs and provide you with guidelines on how to
fulfill your goals. Teaming with a
personal trainer may also be helpful to identify the safest way to increase
physical activity and keep you motivated and interested.
No matter what you do…do something to commit to changes and
enjoy a healthier you in your 50s.
Again, I would like to thank Gretchen for sharing her wonderful wealth of knowledge. If you have questions or would like to contact Gretchen regarding your nutritional program, you may do so by emailing her at: ghuebert@gmail.com.
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
For Twenty-Seven Weeks We've Talked About It
With kids heading back to school, I think most of us would consider summer officially over. I know I do at least. So, did you achieve all the summer goals you set last spring? If you did, CONGRATS! If you didn't, WHY NOT?
As another summer slips our grasp leaving unaccomplished goals in the rear view, we get a chance to redeem ourselves with fall on the horizon. We have twenty-five weeks until twenty-twelve will have come and gone. That's twenty-five weeks to make twenty-twelve a success. Twenty-five weeks to make this year special.
For twenty-seven weeks we've talked about it. Today, we're going to stop talking about it and we are going to do it! Today is the day we set one big, huge, gigantic goal and spend the next twenty-five weeks killing it! I want you to take out a piece of paper and write the following...
As another summer slips our grasp leaving unaccomplished goals in the rear view, we get a chance to redeem ourselves with fall on the horizon. We have twenty-five weeks until twenty-twelve will have come and gone. That's twenty-five weeks to make twenty-twelve a success. Twenty-five weeks to make this year special.
For twenty-seven weeks we've talked about it. Today, we're going to stop talking about it and we are going to do it! Today is the day we set one big, huge, gigantic goal and spend the next twenty-five weeks killing it! I want you to take out a piece of paper and write the following...
In the next twenty-five weeks, I am going to (set a big, huge, gigantic goal here) and nothing
is going to stand in my way. To (repeat big, huge, gigantic goal), I have to: (list everything it's going to take to achieve your big, huge, gigantic goal). On January 1st, when I've (write that you have achieved your big, huge, gigantic goal), I'm going to (come up with a big, huge, gigantic reward that you will keep you super motivated [for example, mine is a custom set of golf clubs]).
How excited are you? Be excited! Be really f***ing excited! I want you to take the paper you wrote your paragraph on and put it somewhere you will see it every single day. Every time you see this, read it. Read it with passion. If you are truly passionate about reaching your big, huge, gigantic goal, you will achieve it. I promise you!
It's time to get serious, put your head down, "work toward something greater" and push yourself until you have accomplished your big, huge, gigantic goal!
You can do it! YOU WILL DO IT!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
You can do it! YOU WILL DO IT!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Thank You Nate Green
So, I was getting caught up on my industry blogs the other day and found this great post by Nate Green. "The S2B Manifesto: 7 Rules For Living a Bigger Life" has had me thinking for days now. Of the 7 rules, I've been going at 3 of them non-stop for 5 days now. "Feed Your 'Ideal Self' and Starve Your Shadow", "Make Your Own Rules" and "Plan Your Perfect Day" are the 3 rules I'm currently working on.
I am a huge believer in setting goals and the idea; if you can write it, you can achieve it. What has me so excited about Nate's post, is it has me setting goals at a whole new level. The idea to "Feed Your 'Ideal Self' and Starve Your Shadow" is perfect.
I am a huge believer in setting goals and the idea; if you can write it, you can achieve it. What has me so excited about Nate's post, is it has me setting goals at a whole new level. The idea to "Feed Your 'Ideal Self' and Starve Your Shadow" is perfect.
"Our ideal self is the kind of guy we want to be. He’s authentic and confident.
He’s humble yet strong. Competitive yet relaxed.
Our shadow self, on the other hand, is the guy we don’t like. He’s the guy we’re not proud of. The guy who says stupid shit, gives up when things get tough, and seems kinda like a loser. And he’s always there, lurking in our heads, ready to bust out and screw everything up or embarrass us.
Most guys run from their shadow or try to ignore him. But thinking about him constantly — or trying not
to think about him — only makes him stronger. That’s because whatever you feed, grows.
We’ve learned the only way to silence our shadow is to accept him. Because when you become aware
of your shadow and all his baggage, you’re free to stop thinking about him.
You take away all his power." -Nate Green
First thing I did after reading Nate's post was come up with my 'Ideal Self' v Shadow Self list. Once I had my first list done, I wrote it again but with 6 categories in mind: Professional, Financial, Spiritual, Family, Friends and Leisure Time. It's been 5 days since I read Nate's post and I believe I've now written my list 7 times and will probably rewrite it many more times.
Once I was 'finished' with Rule 1, I jumped to Rule 3. I felt after creating my 'Ideal Self' it would be fitting to "Plan My Perfect Day" as my 'Ideal Self' and 'Ideal Day' seem to feed off one another. Again, I've probably rewritten my 'Ideal Day' 7 times. Each time I rewrote my 'Ideal Day' it became more precise and vivid. My first draft was, 4:15am - Wake Up and my current draft is, 4:15am - Wake Up Refreshed and Ready for an Amazing Day. My first draft was, 6:45pm - Eat Dinner and my current draft it, 6:45pm - Eat a Healthy, Tasty Dinner Over Great Conversation with my Wife. By creating my 'Ideal Day' as vivid and precise as possible I am able to really see what I'm working towards. My 'Ideal Day' is going to be amazing!
After having finished Rules 1 and 3, I went back to "Make My Own Rules". As my 'Ideal Self' and 'Ideal Day' fed off one another, my 'Ideal Self' and 'My Own Rules' are doing the same. Again, I'm using the 6 categories to "Make My Own Rules". As I'm creating 'My Own Rules' I am doing as Nate said to do, "Once you have them, print them out and put your list in a place you’ll see it often." Since 'My Own Rules' are still new to me, I am looking at them and saying them aloud daily to cement them as habit.
Setting goals for yourself is something you should be doing on a weekly basis. Goals push you, keep you focused and move you to "work towards something greater". If you have never set a goal before, set one for today, accomplish it today and then celebrate it. Make goals an important part of your life and see how your attitude changes.
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Too Tired To Exercise? You Need To Exercise.
If you find yourself too tired to exercise, you need to exercise. Tell me, does this sound familiar to you:
"Ugh, I know I was going to start exercising today but I'm too tired. I'll
rest (sit on the couch and do jack shit, AGAIN) tonight and start tomorrow when
I have more energy. Yep, I'll rest tonight so I can start strong tomorrow."
I know you've said it. Shit, I've said it before. The reason you don't have the energy to begin your exercise program is because you haven't started your exercise program. I know, it sounds counterintuitive but as your body moves your energy levels will increase.
When you are physically active, blood flow will increase and that increase will force heart to become more efficient. Increased cardiovascular efficiency means more oxygen being transported by the increased blood flowing through your body. Increased oxygen means more energy.
Depending on your current activity level, it may only take 15 minutes of activity to see your energy level increase. 15 minutes, that is it! You can't tell me you don't have 15 minutes somewhere in your day to be physically active. I'll tell you what, I'll help you find 15 minutes...
When you woke up this morning, did you really need to...
...hit snooze five times?
...watch the news?
...check your social media feed to realise nothing happened overnight?
On your lunch break, did you really need to...
...check your social media feed to realise you aren't the only one that hates being at work?
...sit in the break room staring at the walls?
...drive ten minutes, wait in the drive thru for ten minutes and then drive ten minutes back?
When you got off work, did you really need to...
...check your social media feed just to see pictures of everyone's car temp reading?
...go out for a drink to feel better about your day?
...watch Ellen or Oprah or Dr Oz?
Now that we've found you 15 minutes in your "busy" day, what should you do with it? Do what ever you want! Walk or jog. Ride a bike. Play basketball. Play football. Play tag with your kids. Just do something you enjoy because you are more likely to quit if you don't like what you are doing. I also suggest scheduling your activity or performing your activity at the same time every day as it's great way to stay on track. Another great way to stay on track is to not get off track by taking more then one day off in a row. When you decide to "work towards something greater", don't let anything get in your way. Just about anything can wait 15 minutes. Get out, get active and watch your energy levels increase.
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Monday, June 18, 2012
I haven't seen any results, so I quit!
How many times have you said, "I haven't seen any results, so I quit!"? And did you? If you did, I want to ask you a couple questions: What results were you looking for? Are you sure there were no results? What kind of effort were you putting forth? Were you sabotaging your hard work? It pains me to see individuals get up enough courage to begin a fitness program and throw it away because they "haven't seen any results".
What results are you looking for? First there has to be a specific goal you are wanting to achieve. You can't just say, "I wanna get fit." If your goal is to get "fit" you must have the following conversation with yourself....
Where you sabotaging your hard work? It sounds crazy but it happens. Shit, I do it all the damn time. M&M's, wine, pizza, beer, pancakes, ice cream and dinners out. I eat all that shit but luckily I've been training long enough that I can get away with a little crap here and there. You can not! If you are just starting a fitness program, that crap has to go and it has to go now. Once you've reached all of your fitness goals, you may indulge again, but until then you have to stop sabotaging all your hard work. You don't show up to your work, bust your ass all day for the man and then say, "you know what, go ahead and keep my salary, I'm good." So why do you bust your ass in your workout and than zero out all that work by eating and drinking crap? Stop sabotaging all your hard work!!!
I know first hand the courage it takes to start a fitness program. Don't let that courage go to waste by: setting crappy goals, not realising how far you've actually come, not putting forth the effort that your goals demand or simply sabotaging yourself. It's not easy to "work towards something greater." However, the reward is very, very worth it!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
What results are you looking for? First there has to be a specific goal you are wanting to achieve. You can't just say, "I wanna get fit." If your goal is to get "fit" you must have the following conversation with yourself....
"I wanna get fit." .... "What do I mean by fit?"
"I guess I mean be toned." .... "What does toned mean to me?"
"Not carrying as much fat over my entire body." .... "How much body fat do I have to lose?"
"Well I could probably stand to lose at least 20." .... "How much body fat DO I HAVE TO LOSE?"
"I have 40 pounds of body fat that I can lose."
You have to take a general goal (to be fit) and make it a specific goal (I have 40 pounds of body fat to lose). Without specific goals you won't know what results to look for.
Are you sure there were no results? Once you've started your fitness program, you need to look in more places than just your bathroom scale for results. Yes, I know your main goal is to lose weight and the scale didn't move one ounce this week and you've only lost four pounds this month. If you scale isn't budging it's time to have the following conversation with yourself...
"Am I stronger cardiovascularly now then I was 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"
"Am I physically stronger then I was 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"
"Are my clothes fitting better then they did 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"
"Do I have more energy then I did 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"
"Can I physically make it through the day better then I could 30 days ago?" .... "YES!"
How about that? You have actually seen some pretty good results. You just have to know where to look. It's not all about the number on the scale, even when it's all about the number on the scale. Take a minute to look and you'll be able to find results that keep your fitness program rock'n.
What kind of effort are you putting forth? Your effort has to match your expected results. If you want to see big changes you have to make big changes. Personally I set a goal today to drop my body fat by 5% and at my current body fat percentage dropping 5% is going to take some changes that test me like I've never been tested. That being said, I can't just go out, walk 30 minutes a day and hope that my body fat drops. Are you walking 30 minutes a day hoping to lose 40 pounds? Are you only exercising three days a week, trying to lose a 100 pounds so that you don't die before your kids get married? If you are it's time to make sure the effort you're putting forth is as serious as the goals which you have set for yourself.
Where you sabotaging your hard work? It sounds crazy but it happens. Shit, I do it all the damn time. M&M's, wine, pizza, beer, pancakes, ice cream and dinners out. I eat all that shit but luckily I've been training long enough that I can get away with a little crap here and there. You can not! If you are just starting a fitness program, that crap has to go and it has to go now. Once you've reached all of your fitness goals, you may indulge again, but until then you have to stop sabotaging all your hard work. You don't show up to your work, bust your ass all day for the man and then say, "you know what, go ahead and keep my salary, I'm good." So why do you bust your ass in your workout and than zero out all that work by eating and drinking crap? Stop sabotaging all your hard work!!!
I know first hand the courage it takes to start a fitness program. Don't let that courage go to waste by: setting crappy goals, not realising how far you've actually come, not putting forth the effort that your goals demand or simply sabotaging yourself. It's not easy to "work towards something greater." However, the reward is very, very worth it!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Time For Some Congratulations!
Well, the 5 Week Health & Fitness Challenge has been over for ten days(ish) now. I would like to congratulate the individuals who completed 90% of the challenge....
Alex Smith - Shawnee, Kansas
Amy Taylor - Aero Vista, Texas
Angelina Mullen - Overland Park, Kansas
Charren Smith - Shawnee, Kansas
Courtney Belz - Kansas City, Missouri
Kelli Baker - Olathe, Kansas
Kelly Nelson - Leawood, Kansas
Mary Dyar - Ankeny, Iowa
If you completed 90% of the challenges but did not post your completions, CONGRATS to you as well!!
As you all know, Prairie Life Fitness in Overland Park, KS was kind enough to allow me to give away a Free One Month Membership to one individual who completed 90% of the challenges. So without further ado, the Free One Month Membership goes to.... Kelli Baker from Olathe, Kansas.
As you all know, Prairie Life Fitness in Overland Park, KS was kind enough to allow me to give away a Free One Month Membership to one individual who completed 90% of the challenges. So without further ado, the Free One Month Membership goes to.... Kelli Baker from Olathe, Kansas.
Congrats Kelli!
I know there were many of you taking the challenge to better yourself and not for the membership. So to you I would like to take time to say congratulations accepting the challenge! And, hopefully a big congrats for finishing the challenge!
Even though the challenge is over, don't let your health and fitness journey end. Getting healthy and fit is a lifestyle, not a month here and a month there kind of thing. Being healthy and fit is a hard lifestyle to commit to. I know first hand and I've mentioned in several of my posts. I want you all to know I'm here if you find yourself needing a little motivation, support or coaching.
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Week 5 | 5 Week Health & Fitness Challenge
I can't believe we've reached our fifth week of the 5 Week Challenge. As we begin our final week I think it is important to reflect on all that the Challenge has showed us. We should also begin drawing our 'road map to success' so that we may successfully keep living a healthier and more fit lifestyle when there is not a challenge to tell us to do so. If I could stress one thing for you to never forget from here on out...
Success is never giving up. Set your goals and "work towards something greater". If you
slip for one day, or even two, it is not the end of your health and fitness program. Get
back in the saddle the next day and keep pushing. Don't let excuses or set backs get in the
way of your success. There is nothing more important than our health. Some people may say
their kids are more important but what will your kids do when you are gone because you couldn't
get yourself healthy? You can do this! You can live healthy and be fit! Set goals and "work towards something greater!"
Now let's see what our final week has to offer...
Monday 28th: We are going to jog | run a mile.
Walkers: Let's dig as deep as we can and see if we can't jog an entire mile. If we can't were aren't going to beat ourselves up over it. Do you best, that's all I ask!
Joggers: Let's see if we can't pick up the pace and turn that jog into a run. Set a personal best!
Runners: We're gonna flat out kick this miles ass! See how fast you can burn through one mile.
Tuesday 29th: We are going to try eating 5 small healthy meals.
One school of thought is by eating often throughout the day your body's metabolism will constantly be running. This school of thought does not work if we are eating three normal meals and adding two larger snacks. We need to make our three meals smaller and the add two snacks consisting of some protein and fats. I like lo-fat yogurt, almonds, a low carb protein shake, a slice of cheddar cheese or fruit.
Wednesday 30th: We are going to keep building our strength.
15 Jump Squats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjY25jL_avs
10 Push Ups
15 Lunges
40 sec. Plank
10 Push Ups
15 Reverse Lunges http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVt2w5iljUs&feature=fvsr
40 sec. Plank
- Repeat twice (3 super sets)
This super set of exercises is really gonna get us burn'n! Adios calories!
Thursday 31st: We are going set some goals.
I've already gone over the importance of setting goals for yourself. So, I want you to set 3 health and fitness goals that you are going to get you to "work towards something greater" in June. These goals have to be meaningful, they have to test you and they have to be specific. You can't say, "I'm going to keep being healthy." What does that mean? You can't say, "I'm going to stay active." How active? Doing what? Be specific and you will be successful.
Friday 1st: We are going to get a mile in before work.
It's our last Friday together doing this challenge. I want you to wake up and reflect of all that you have accomplished these last 5 weeks while completing your mile. What a perfect way to start a day: positive reflection and getting your blood flowing.
Saturday 2nd: We are going to max out.
I want you to do as many squats and push ups as possible in one try. I also want you to hold a plank for as long as you can. Once you've finished, I want you to remember how hard those three exercises were for you in week one.
That's it. You never realize how quickly time flies by until you've come to the end of something. When I came up with the crazy idea to start a challenge I had no idea how impactful the challenge would be on me personally. Being able to watch you all celebrate successes and motivate one another has been awesome. And all of the kind words and thanks that I've received have truly touched me.
Thank you to all of you who participated and have begun to "work towards something greater!"
-Jason Belz
Monday 28th: We are going to jog | run a mile.
Walkers: Let's dig as deep as we can and see if we can't jog an entire mile. If we can't were aren't going to beat ourselves up over it. Do you best, that's all I ask!
Joggers: Let's see if we can't pick up the pace and turn that jog into a run. Set a personal best!
Runners: We're gonna flat out kick this miles ass! See how fast you can burn through one mile.
Tuesday 29th: We are going to try eating 5 small healthy meals.
One school of thought is by eating often throughout the day your body's metabolism will constantly be running. This school of thought does not work if we are eating three normal meals and adding two larger snacks. We need to make our three meals smaller and the add two snacks consisting of some protein and fats. I like lo-fat yogurt, almonds, a low carb protein shake, a slice of cheddar cheese or fruit.
Wednesday 30th: We are going to keep building our strength.
15 Jump Squats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjY25jL_avs
10 Push Ups
15 Lunges
40 sec. Plank
10 Push Ups
15 Reverse Lunges http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVt2w5iljUs&feature=fvsr
40 sec. Plank
- Repeat twice (3 super sets)
This super set of exercises is really gonna get us burn'n! Adios calories!
Thursday 31st: We are going set some goals.
I've already gone over the importance of setting goals for yourself. So, I want you to set 3 health and fitness goals that you are going to get you to "work towards something greater" in June. These goals have to be meaningful, they have to test you and they have to be specific. You can't say, "I'm going to keep being healthy." What does that mean? You can't say, "I'm going to stay active." How active? Doing what? Be specific and you will be successful.
Friday 1st: We are going to get a mile in before work.
It's our last Friday together doing this challenge. I want you to wake up and reflect of all that you have accomplished these last 5 weeks while completing your mile. What a perfect way to start a day: positive reflection and getting your blood flowing.
Saturday 2nd: We are going to max out.
I want you to do as many squats and push ups as possible in one try. I also want you to hold a plank for as long as you can. Once you've finished, I want you to remember how hard those three exercises were for you in week one.
That's it. You never realize how quickly time flies by until you've come to the end of something. When I came up with the crazy idea to start a challenge I had no idea how impactful the challenge would be on me personally. Being able to watch you all celebrate successes and motivate one another has been awesome. And all of the kind words and thanks that I've received have truly touched me.
Thank you to all of you who participated and have begun to "work towards something greater!"
-Jason Belz
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Week 4 | 5 Week Health & Fitness Challenge
They say it takes 21 days to form a habit and today is day 21 of the 5 Week Challenge. My goal in putting the 5 Week Challenge together was to set each of you up to succeed on your own by showing you how attainable a healthy and fit lifestyle can be. You have all been doing such an amazing job.
Without further ado, here is Week 4...
Monday 21st: We are going to increase our interval walk | jog | run our mile.
Walkers: You are going to walk two blocks, jog two, walk two again, jog two, so on and so on.
Joggers: You are going to jog two blocks, run two, jog two again, run two, so on and so on.
Runners: You are going to run two blocks, sprint two, run two again, sprint two, so on and so on.
Tuesday 22nd: We are going to take a healthy lunch with us to work.
Taking our lunch with us to work assures that we are going to stay on track when trying live a healthier lifestyle. Traditionally food prepared in cafeterias and restaurants are loaded with salt and often use butter, cream and other calorie dense ingredients that add very little nutrition.
Wednesday 23rd: We are going to increase the reps of our new body weight exercises.
15 Jump Squats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjY25jL_avs
20 Push Ups
15 Reverse Lunges http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVt2w5iljUs&feature=fvsr
60 sec. Plank Don't say you can't! I know you can!!
- Repeat twice (3 super sets)
These four exercises together are going to really work your core, you balance as well as really taxing your cardiovascular system. You will feel the burn!
Thursday 24th: We are going to cook lite.
For this challenge I want you all to find a meal to cook for dinner that is 500 calories or less per serving, prepare it and share it. Here is a link that has some pretty tasty looking ideas. http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/recipes/healthy-eating/nutrition/the-you-can-do-it-diet-dinner-choices/?page=1
Friday 25th: We are going back to stairs.
400! We are going to do 400 stairs this week. It sounds like a lot but I know you all are strong enough both physically and mentally to make it through.
Saturday 26th: We are going to pick our own fitness activity.
With week four ending, it is time for you all to begin making your own decisions when it comes to your daily fitness activities. My only guideline for today is that your activity has to 30 minutes. Be creative!
Alright, another 5 challenges that will push you to "work towards something greater" and prove to you that nothing is impossible. Good luck and as always, I am here to motivate and support you all! Have an amazing week!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Without further ado, here is Week 4...
Monday 21st: We are going to increase our interval walk | jog | run our mile.
Walkers: You are going to walk two blocks, jog two, walk two again, jog two, so on and so on.
Joggers: You are going to jog two blocks, run two, jog two again, run two, so on and so on.
Runners: You are going to run two blocks, sprint two, run two again, sprint two, so on and so on.
Tuesday 22nd: We are going to take a healthy lunch with us to work.
Taking our lunch with us to work assures that we are going to stay on track when trying live a healthier lifestyle. Traditionally food prepared in cafeterias and restaurants are loaded with salt and often use butter, cream and other calorie dense ingredients that add very little nutrition.
Wednesday 23rd: We are going to increase the reps of our new body weight exercises.
15 Jump Squats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjY25jL_avs
20 Push Ups
15 Reverse Lunges http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVt2w5iljUs&feature=fvsr
60 sec. Plank Don't say you can't! I know you can!!
- Repeat twice (3 super sets)
These four exercises together are going to really work your core, you balance as well as really taxing your cardiovascular system. You will feel the burn!
Thursday 24th: We are going to cook lite.
For this challenge I want you all to find a meal to cook for dinner that is 500 calories or less per serving, prepare it and share it. Here is a link that has some pretty tasty looking ideas. http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/recipes/healthy-eating/nutrition/the-you-can-do-it-diet-dinner-choices/?page=1
Friday 25th: We are going back to stairs.
400! We are going to do 400 stairs this week. It sounds like a lot but I know you all are strong enough both physically and mentally to make it through.
Saturday 26th: We are going to pick our own fitness activity.
With week four ending, it is time for you all to begin making your own decisions when it comes to your daily fitness activities. My only guideline for today is that your activity has to 30 minutes. Be creative!
Alright, another 5 challenges that will push you to "work towards something greater" and prove to you that nothing is impossible. Good luck and as always, I am here to motivate and support you all! Have an amazing week!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Week 3 | 5 Week Health & Fitness Challenge
Happy Mother's day to all of you mothers! Mary Dyar, an extra special Happy Mother's day to you. I don't know if I would be here today if you hadn't raised me with as much love and support as you did. Thank you and I love you!
Now let's talk week 3. It's time to really start kicking some ass. In week 1 and week 2 we proved to ourselves that health and fitness can be a part of our daily lives. Week 3 is going to prove that we can be badasses when it comes to health and fitness. You may say to yourself, "I can't be a fitness badass." Uh, yes you can! And, you will.
Let's get down to business!
Monday 14th: We are going to interval walk | jog | run our mile.
Walkers: You are going to walk three blocks, jog one, walk three again, jog one, so on and so on.
Joggers: You are going to jog three blocks, run one, jog three again, run one, so on and so on.
Runners: You are going to run three blocks, sprint one, run three again, sprint one, so on and so on.
Tuesday 15th: We are going to cut out all added sugar.
No soda. No energy drinks. No flavored creamer in coffee. No candy. No cereals with sugar.
Wednesday 16th: We are going to learn some new body weight exercises.
10 Jump Squats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjY25jL_avs
20 Push Ups
10 Reverse Lunges http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVt2w5iljUs&feature=fvsr
45 sec. Plank
- Repeat twice (3 super sets)
These four exercises together are going to really work your core, you balance as well as really taxing your cardiovascular system. You will feel the burn!
Thursday 17th: We are going vegetarian for a day.
For this challenge, vegetarian means no meat. Fish and animal bi-products are fine.
Friday 18th: We are going to take 15 minutes before work and stretch.
Let's start are day off with a natural shot of energy instead of hitting the snooze button. You will get way more out of 15 minutes of stretching than you will 5 minutes more of not really sleeping.
Saturday 19th: We are going get our day started with some callisthenics.
50 Jumping Jacks
25 High Knees (25 each knee) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW01cQkj4f8
25 Mountain Climbers (25 each knee) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyeZM-_VnRc
45 sec. Plank
There it is. I know you can accomplish each of these challenges and "work towards something greater!"
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Now let's talk week 3. It's time to really start kicking some ass. In week 1 and week 2 we proved to ourselves that health and fitness can be a part of our daily lives. Week 3 is going to prove that we can be badasses when it comes to health and fitness. You may say to yourself, "I can't be a fitness badass." Uh, yes you can! And, you will.
Let's get down to business!
Monday 14th: We are going to interval walk | jog | run our mile.
Walkers: You are going to walk three blocks, jog one, walk three again, jog one, so on and so on.
Joggers: You are going to jog three blocks, run one, jog three again, run one, so on and so on.
Runners: You are going to run three blocks, sprint one, run three again, sprint one, so on and so on.
Tuesday 15th: We are going to cut out all added sugar.
No soda. No energy drinks. No flavored creamer in coffee. No candy. No cereals with sugar.
Wednesday 16th: We are going to learn some new body weight exercises.
10 Jump Squats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjY25jL_avs
20 Push Ups
10 Reverse Lunges http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVt2w5iljUs&feature=fvsr
45 sec. Plank
- Repeat twice (3 super sets)
These four exercises together are going to really work your core, you balance as well as really taxing your cardiovascular system. You will feel the burn!
Thursday 17th: We are going vegetarian for a day.
For this challenge, vegetarian means no meat. Fish and animal bi-products are fine.
Friday 18th: We are going to take 15 minutes before work and stretch.
Let's start are day off with a natural shot of energy instead of hitting the snooze button. You will get way more out of 15 minutes of stretching than you will 5 minutes more of not really sleeping.
Saturday 19th: We are going get our day started with some callisthenics.
50 Jumping Jacks
25 High Knees (25 each knee) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW01cQkj4f8
25 Mountain Climbers (25 each knee) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyeZM-_VnRc
45 sec. Plank
There it is. I know you can accomplish each of these challenges and "work towards something greater!"
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Week 2 | 5 Week Health and Fitness Challenge
Amazing! Week one was absolutely amazing! I can't begin to describe how exciting it has been watching you all support and help motivate one another. Half the battle is getting started. The other half is keeping the ball rolling, staying excited and finding the motivation to "work towards something greater."
I'll get out of the way and let you see what lies behind week number 2...
Monday 7th: We are going to walk | jog | run our mile faster than we did last week.
Setting goals such as faster times or longer distances are great ways to stay motivated. Make the goals attainable but not necessarily easy. Goals should push you!
Tuesday 8th: We are going to say goodbye to Carbohydrates for the day.
There are two types of carbohydrates: simple (bad) and complex (good). Carbohydrates are our bodies main source of energy, so I would never tell someone to go carb free as a lifestyle (diet) choice. Complex carbohydrates provide great nutrients, vitamins and minerals including: fiber, B-vitamins, iron, selenium and magnesium. However simple carbohydrates add little nutritional value. The reason we are going without carbs for a day is to show you that you do not need the over processed simple carbohydrates that we all eat way to much of. When you do eat carbohydrates you want to choose those low on the glycemic index and the link here give you a great list of foods and their index rating. http://www.drkessinger.com/images/glycemicindex.pdf
Wednesday 9th: We are going to increase our body weight training.
30 Squats + 20 Push ups + 15 Lunges + 45 sec. Plank | repeat once (2 super sets)
Adding repetitions is one way of building more lean muscle. Building muscle is a very important part of weight loss. I know it sounds backwards and crazy but a pound of muscle burns approx. 6 calories an hour AT REST where as a pound of fat only burns approx. 2 calories an hour.
Thursday 10th: We are going to eat 4 servings (2 cups) each of: leafy greens, fruits and veggies.
I'm adding the requirement of leafy greens into the mix as they are a packed with vitamins and nutrients.
Friday 11th: We are going to do 300 step ups.
Building our strength and cardiovascular endurance!
Saturday 12th: We are going to find a new, healthy recipe, prepare it and share it.
I think too often we get into a rut when we are cooking. I know I do. I would say I prepare about 10 meals and simply rotate through them. Why? Because it's easy. There are two reasons behind today's challenge. First, you are forced to step outside of your cooking comfort zone to find a new healthy recipe that you will then prepare and be able to use again. Second, by everyone sharing their recipes and thoughts regarding how easy their recipe was, how yummy it was, etc, you will have quick access to dozens of new healthy recipes.
There it is. As you can see we are performing the same fitness challenges as Week 1. The reason behind that is to build a solid foundation from which we can build. Trying to do too much without mastering the basics may lead to injury. Even with the fitness challenges staying the same, Week 2 is going to push us but as we learned in Week 1, we can do it! If something was impossible, I wouldn't ask you to do it. Keep the momentum you've created and "work towards something greater!"
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
I'll get out of the way and let you see what lies behind week number 2...
Monday 7th: We are going to walk | jog | run our mile faster than we did last week.
Setting goals such as faster times or longer distances are great ways to stay motivated. Make the goals attainable but not necessarily easy. Goals should push you!
Tuesday 8th: We are going to say goodbye to Carbohydrates for the day.
There are two types of carbohydrates: simple (bad) and complex (good). Carbohydrates are our bodies main source of energy, so I would never tell someone to go carb free as a lifestyle (diet) choice. Complex carbohydrates provide great nutrients, vitamins and minerals including: fiber, B-vitamins, iron, selenium and magnesium. However simple carbohydrates add little nutritional value. The reason we are going without carbs for a day is to show you that you do not need the over processed simple carbohydrates that we all eat way to much of. When you do eat carbohydrates you want to choose those low on the glycemic index and the link here give you a great list of foods and their index rating. http://www.drkessinger.com/images/glycemicindex.pdf
Wednesday 9th: We are going to increase our body weight training.
30 Squats + 20 Push ups + 15 Lunges + 45 sec. Plank | repeat once (2 super sets)
Adding repetitions is one way of building more lean muscle. Building muscle is a very important part of weight loss. I know it sounds backwards and crazy but a pound of muscle burns approx. 6 calories an hour AT REST where as a pound of fat only burns approx. 2 calories an hour.
Thursday 10th: We are going to eat 4 servings (2 cups) each of: leafy greens, fruits and veggies.
I'm adding the requirement of leafy greens into the mix as they are a packed with vitamins and nutrients.
Friday 11th: We are going to do 300 step ups.
Building our strength and cardiovascular endurance!
Saturday 12th: We are going to find a new, healthy recipe, prepare it and share it.
I think too often we get into a rut when we are cooking. I know I do. I would say I prepare about 10 meals and simply rotate through them. Why? Because it's easy. There are two reasons behind today's challenge. First, you are forced to step outside of your cooking comfort zone to find a new healthy recipe that you will then prepare and be able to use again. Second, by everyone sharing their recipes and thoughts regarding how easy their recipe was, how yummy it was, etc, you will have quick access to dozens of new healthy recipes.
There it is. As you can see we are performing the same fitness challenges as Week 1. The reason behind that is to build a solid foundation from which we can build. Trying to do too much without mastering the basics may lead to injury. Even with the fitness challenges staying the same, Week 2 is going to push us but as we learned in Week 1, we can do it! If something was impossible, I wouldn't ask you to do it. Keep the momentum you've created and "work towards something greater!"
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Week 1 | 5 Week Health and Fitness Challenge
It seems like forever since I decided to put this 5 Week Health and Fitness Challenge together. I feel like the next five weeks will help those of you getting started create new habits, realise you can do this without joining a gym or having equipment at home and use the challenge as a form of accountability to keep you going. For those of you already on your way but looking for something new, I think you'll enjoy the camaraderie and competition that will come with the daily challenges. No matter what your fitness level, you will be supported, motivated and pushed as little or as much as you need.
Now, let's set the challenges...
Monday 30th: We are going to walk | jog | run one mile.
For those of you who do not walk | jog | run one mile already, you simply will walk | jog | run one mile. For those of you already walking | jogging | running one mile, you will add a mile.
Cardiovascular training is a very important part of any fitness program. Benefits of cardiovascular training include: weight loss, stronger heart and lungs, increased bone density, reduced stress, reduced risk of heart disease, temporarily relief from depression and anxiety, better sleep, more energy and increased confidence in yourself.
Tuesday 1st: We are going to drink 1/2 our body weight in ounces of water.
The new rule of drinking water is 1/2 your body weight in ounces. Example, I weigh 175lbs so I am supposed to drink 87.5oz of water. This shouldn't be done just today, this should be done every day of the challenge and every day of your life. Please drink water from a BPA free, reusable container.
Drinking water is very important. Water regulates your body temperature, transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, protects joints, helps metabolism and helps detoxify.
Wednesday 2nd: We are going to do weight training without equipment:
- 25 body weight squats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up_48p-BMug
- 15 push ups (if you are unable to perform a regular push up, you may do them on your knees)
- 10 lunges http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFTfbPh61vg
- 30 second plank http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=bWJ8on3E3Io
(you should complete each exercise set before moving on to the next. complete the four exercises as a 'super set'. once you have completed the 'super set', repeat the 'super set' one more time through)
I've added a link for a video showing how you should be performing each exercise. If you cannot perform any of the exercises for the prescribed repetition amount, simply perform 5 here and 5 there throughout the day until prescribed amount is finished.
Resistance or weight training must be incorporated into any successful training program. Benefits of strength training include: weight loss (muscle burns more calories then fat), increased strength, increased confidence, more energy, increased HDL, lowered LDL, reduced risk of diabetes and insulin needs, lowers blood pressure, increases bode density reducing the risk of osteoporosis, decreases anxiety and stress.
Thursday 3rd: We are going to eat 5 servings (2 1/2 cups) of fruits and vegetables.
Since I don't have room to write all the benefits here is a link to a great article: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/vegetables-full-story/
Friday 4th: We are going to do 200 stair steps.
It's easy, just use your stairs at home. You'll start by stepping up one step with your right foot followed by bringing your left to the same step. Then step down with your right followed by your left. For 25 repetitions lead with your right then switch and lead with your left for 25. Repeat until you get to 200.
Step ups are great for strengthening both your legs and your cardiovascular system. The faster you go, the more calories you will burn.
Saturday 5th: We are going to find a quiet room and stretch for 20 minutes.
Here is a great stretching routine for an individual of any fitness level to follow. Repeat the routine as many times as it takes to reach 20 minutes. http://ahealthieryou.ca/2011/01/stretching/ The time you quietly stretch is a great time to meditate and be at peace with yourself.
Benefits of stretching include: reduced muscle tension, increased range of movement in the joints, enhanced muscular coordination, increased blood circulation to various parts of the body and increased energy levels resulting from increased circulation.
Don't forget, once you have completed the daily challenge, you need to post a comment about the challenge so I can keep track of everyone. If you complete 90% of the challenges you will be entered into a random drawing for a free one month membership to Prairie Life Fitness in Overland Park, Kansas. I know some of you don't live in the Kansas City area, and won't be receiving the free membership, but posting a comment will help hold you accountable.
Alright, time to get started! We are all in this together, so let's support one another and help each other "work towards something greater!"
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Now, let's set the challenges...
Monday 30th: We are going to walk | jog | run one mile.
For those of you who do not walk | jog | run one mile already, you simply will walk | jog | run one mile. For those of you already walking | jogging | running one mile, you will add a mile.
Cardiovascular training is a very important part of any fitness program. Benefits of cardiovascular training include: weight loss, stronger heart and lungs, increased bone density, reduced stress, reduced risk of heart disease, temporarily relief from depression and anxiety, better sleep, more energy and increased confidence in yourself.
Tuesday 1st: We are going to drink 1/2 our body weight in ounces of water.
The new rule of drinking water is 1/2 your body weight in ounces. Example, I weigh 175lbs so I am supposed to drink 87.5oz of water. This shouldn't be done just today, this should be done every day of the challenge and every day of your life. Please drink water from a BPA free, reusable container.
Drinking water is very important. Water regulates your body temperature, transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, protects joints, helps metabolism and helps detoxify.
Wednesday 2nd: We are going to do weight training without equipment:
- 25 body weight squats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up_48p-BMug
- 15 push ups (if you are unable to perform a regular push up, you may do them on your knees)
- 10 lunges http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFTfbPh61vg
- 30 second plank http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=bWJ8on3E3Io
(you should complete each exercise set before moving on to the next. complete the four exercises as a 'super set'. once you have completed the 'super set', repeat the 'super set' one more time through)
I've added a link for a video showing how you should be performing each exercise. If you cannot perform any of the exercises for the prescribed repetition amount, simply perform 5 here and 5 there throughout the day until prescribed amount is finished.
Resistance or weight training must be incorporated into any successful training program. Benefits of strength training include: weight loss (muscle burns more calories then fat), increased strength, increased confidence, more energy, increased HDL, lowered LDL, reduced risk of diabetes and insulin needs, lowers blood pressure, increases bode density reducing the risk of osteoporosis, decreases anxiety and stress.
Thursday 3rd: We are going to eat 5 servings (2 1/2 cups) of fruits and vegetables.
Since I don't have room to write all the benefits here is a link to a great article: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/vegetables-full-story/
Friday 4th: We are going to do 200 stair steps.
It's easy, just use your stairs at home. You'll start by stepping up one step with your right foot followed by bringing your left to the same step. Then step down with your right followed by your left. For 25 repetitions lead with your right then switch and lead with your left for 25. Repeat until you get to 200.
Step ups are great for strengthening both your legs and your cardiovascular system. The faster you go, the more calories you will burn.
Saturday 5th: We are going to find a quiet room and stretch for 20 minutes.
Here is a great stretching routine for an individual of any fitness level to follow. Repeat the routine as many times as it takes to reach 20 minutes. http://ahealthieryou.ca/2011/01/stretching/ The time you quietly stretch is a great time to meditate and be at peace with yourself.
Benefits of stretching include: reduced muscle tension, increased range of movement in the joints, enhanced muscular coordination, increased blood circulation to various parts of the body and increased energy levels resulting from increased circulation.
Don't forget, once you have completed the daily challenge, you need to post a comment about the challenge so I can keep track of everyone. If you complete 90% of the challenges you will be entered into a random drawing for a free one month membership to Prairie Life Fitness in Overland Park, Kansas. I know some of you don't live in the Kansas City area, and won't be receiving the free membership, but posting a comment will help hold you accountable.
Alright, time to get started! We are all in this together, so let's support one another and help each other "work towards something greater!"
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
5 Week Health and Fitness Challenge
The 5 week health and fitness challenge will begin April 30th (with the first post Sunday, April 29th) and end June 2nd. No, you don't have to have a gym membership to compete in the challenge. You will be able to complete this challenge at home, at work or anywhere your two legs can take you. So, what's the challenge? Each Sunday, I am going to post six challenges for the upcoming week. There will be a different challenge Monday through Friday for you to complete.
It is very important to leave a comment each day you complete the challenge. Why? Because Prairie Life Fitness is allowing me to give away a free one month membership. You will have the opportunity to win this free membership by completing 90% of the challenges. That is 27 out of the 30 challenges. (The recipient of the free membership will be decided by a random drawing from all eligible contestants names.) I know it's not easy to "work towards something greater" but that is why it's called a challenge.
If you have any questions, please contact me at trainerjasonbelz@gmail.com
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Monday: walk, jog or run one mile (this mile must be in addition to your daily routine)
Tuesday: no carbs all day long
Wednesday: perform 25 push ups, 50 squats and 50 jumping jacks (if you can't perform 25 push ups at once, you may do five at a time throughout the day)
Thursday: take twenty minutes in a quiet room and stretch your body from head to toe
Friday: walk, jog or run one mile before you go to work
Saturday: do ten, 30 second planks throughout the day
Once you have completed the challenge, you will leave a comment on that weeks blog post about; how long it took you to walk, jog or run your mile, how hard/easy it was to not eat carbs, how long it took you to complete the push ups, squats and jumping jacks, etc.
It is very important to leave a comment each day you complete the challenge. Why? Because Prairie Life Fitness is allowing me to give away a free one month membership. You will have the opportunity to win this free membership by completing 90% of the challenges. That is 27 out of the 30 challenges. (The recipient of the free membership will be decided by a random drawing from all eligible contestants names.) I know it's not easy to "work towards something greater" but that is why it's called a challenge.
If you have any questions, please contact me at trainerjasonbelz@gmail.com
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Yes, a challenge, but a fun challenge
Alright folks, I've got something in mind for the month of May. I'm thinking a 5 week health and fitness challenge. Yes, a challenge, but a fun challenge. A challenge to help get you started. A challenge to help begin creating healthy habits. A challenge to help you be accountable. A challenge to bring out your competitiveness. A challenge to add something new into your mix.
The 5 week health and fitness challenge will begin April 30th and end June 2nd. No, you don't have to have a gym membership to compete in the challenge. You will be able to complete this challenge at home, at work or anywhere your two legs can take you.
Spread the word. Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Tell your family. Tell everyone. Accept the challenge and "work towards something greater".
More details will be coming soon!!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
The 5 week health and fitness challenge will begin April 30th and end June 2nd. No, you don't have to have a gym membership to compete in the challenge. You will be able to complete this challenge at home, at work or anywhere your two legs can take you.
Spread the word. Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Tell your family. Tell everyone. Accept the challenge and "work towards something greater".
More details will be coming soon!!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
I Know First Hand How To Fail
I once got a gym membership, went two days and never went back. I know first hand how to fail when trying to transform yourself into a healthier you. Failing is easy. Succeeding is hard. It's especially hard when you put the pressure of being perfect on yourself. You don't have to be perfect to transform yourself into a healthier you. You do have to hold yourself accountable and you have to be persistent.
Being able to hold yourself accountable and being persistent means coming up with a game plan. Create a game plan that covers your new eating habits and your new exercise habits. It's also very important to make a list of the habits you will no longer be doing.
I will eat 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg every day for breakfast
I will eat a healthy turkey wrap with raw vegetables for lunch during the week
I will eat in moderation at dinner
New Exercising Habits:
I will exercise 5 days a week
I will strength train on Mon & Wed
I will cardio train on Tues, Thurs & Sat
Habits I Am Stopping:
I will no longer eat: Fast food Burgers, Frozen Pizzas, Taco Bell
I will no longer snack after 8pm
I will no longer sleep in on Saturdays
I will no longer make excuses to skip the gym
Once you've completed your game, it's time to transform. Since I know how easy it is to fail and how hard it is to succeed, here are some tips to help you stay on track.
Set realistic goals
Being able to hold yourself accountable and being persistent means coming up with a game plan. Create a game plan that covers your new eating habits and your new exercise habits. It's also very important to make a list of the habits you will no longer be doing.
Example Game Plan:
New Eating Habits:I will eat 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg every day for breakfast
I will eat a healthy turkey wrap with raw vegetables for lunch during the week
I will eat in moderation at dinner
New Exercising Habits:
I will exercise 5 days a week
I will strength train on Mon & Wed
I will cardio train on Tues, Thurs & Sat
Habits I Am Stopping:
I will no longer eat: Fast food Burgers, Frozen Pizzas, Taco Bell
I will no longer snack after 8pm
I will no longer sleep in on Saturdays
I will no longer make excuses to skip the gym
Once you've completed your game, it's time to transform. Since I know how easy it is to fail and how hard it is to succeed, here are some tips to help you stay on track.
Set realistic goals
Stay positive and surround yourself with positive people
Don't punish yourself if you have a set back
Keep it fresh - change your routines every six weeks or so
Have fun - if you don't like what you're doing, you won't do it
Find a workout buddy or invest in a personal trainer to keep you motivated
Remember this transformation is for life and not just a fad
"Work towards something greater"
"Work towards something greater"
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Monday, March 26, 2012
For the longest time, I was settling for average.
Don't be average! You only have one life to live and you owe it to yourself to live the best life possible. You cannot live your best life if you are willing to settle for average. For the longest time, I was settling for average. Fortunately I found a spark to push me. If you haven't found your spark yet, this just might be it.
What do I mean when I say, "best life"? My "best life" is: waking up every single day excited about my life. There's never a day I wake up and say, "Fuck, I hate my life!" I used to. I did. It wasn't even that long ago. When I was settling for being average, I couldn't wait for the day to be over. I was unhappy with the person I woke up next to. I thought my job was lame and it was going no where. I spent all of my free time with people that were just as unhappy as I was with their own lives. Negative, negative, negative. That is exactly how you settle for being average.
Stop waking up and waiting to go back to sleep! Getting to the point where you are living your best life is tough but nothing worth doing is easy. Deciding to live my best life cost me friends for sure. However, I have gained so many more great friends by living my best life. Why? Because they are too. Surround yourself with people who have characteristics you want to have and you will soon have them. Positive, positive, positive. You can achieve so much more when you are positive.
No individual is meant to be unhappy and unsatisfied with their life. You have to take control and "work towards something greater"!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
What do I mean when I say, "best life"? My "best life" is: waking up every single day excited about my life. There's never a day I wake up and say, "Fuck, I hate my life!" I used to. I did. It wasn't even that long ago. When I was settling for being average, I couldn't wait for the day to be over. I was unhappy with the person I woke up next to. I thought my job was lame and it was going no where. I spent all of my free time with people that were just as unhappy as I was with their own lives. Negative, negative, negative. That is exactly how you settle for being average.
Stop waking up and waiting to go back to sleep! Getting to the point where you are living your best life is tough but nothing worth doing is easy. Deciding to live my best life cost me friends for sure. However, I have gained so many more great friends by living my best life. Why? Because they are too. Surround yourself with people who have characteristics you want to have and you will soon have them. Positive, positive, positive. You can achieve so much more when you are positive.
No individual is meant to be unhappy and unsatisfied with their life. You have to take control and "work towards something greater"!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Mid-week Motivation
So I asked the question, "What frustrates you about fitness?". Your answers, "Motivation".
mo-ti-va-tion: noun 1. the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. 2. the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
I struggled with motivation for most of my adult life. Once my collegiate baseball playing days were over, I could have given a shit about anything. Obviously, that's how I found myself over weight and out of shape. Once I found a reason to take action I found the desire to do something about my situation.
What is your reason? What will fuel your desire?
For me it was turning 30 and wanting to be in the best shape of my life. For you, it can be...
I will be a role model for my children and show them how to live a healthy lifestyle.
I am going to lose ___ pounds so that I can: live a healthy and productive life, regain the energy and zest for life that I've lost, etc.
I am going to become a runner and sign up for my first 5k.
There are too many examples to give you and even if I wrote them all, I still wouldn't be able to come up with the perfect reason for you. YOU have to find the reason! YOU have to search for what is going to fuel your desire.
Once you've found your reason or reasons, you will be unstoppable. If you can see it or dream it, you can achieve it. If your reason is, "I will be a role model for my children". You need to say that in first-person, present tense, "I am a role model for my children" and you need to say if everyday and often throughout the day. Your mind will believe this and you will begin acting in such a way that you will become a role model to your children.
Find your reason. Find your desire. Write it. Repeat it. Succeed! "Work towards something greater."
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
mo-ti-va-tion: noun 1. the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. 2. the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
I struggled with motivation for most of my adult life. Once my collegiate baseball playing days were over, I could have given a shit about anything. Obviously, that's how I found myself over weight and out of shape. Once I found a reason to take action I found the desire to do something about my situation.
What is your reason? What will fuel your desire?
For me it was turning 30 and wanting to be in the best shape of my life. For you, it can be...
I will be a role model for my children and show them how to live a healthy lifestyle.
I am going to lose ___ pounds so that I can: live a healthy and productive life, regain the energy and zest for life that I've lost, etc.
I am going to become a runner and sign up for my first 5k.
There are too many examples to give you and even if I wrote them all, I still wouldn't be able to come up with the perfect reason for you. YOU have to find the reason! YOU have to search for what is going to fuel your desire.
Once you've found your reason or reasons, you will be unstoppable. If you can see it or dream it, you can achieve it. If your reason is, "I will be a role model for my children". You need to say that in first-person, present tense, "I am a role model for my children" and you need to say if everyday and often throughout the day. Your mind will believe this and you will begin acting in such a way that you will become a role model to your children.
Find your reason. Find your desire. Write it. Repeat it. Succeed! "Work towards something greater."
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Weight Loss: Unbiased, Simple and Straight Forward
Let's talk weight loss. I'm not here to push a product or sell magazines. I'm here to help you. That means unbiased, simple, and straight forward facts to help you reach your weight loss goals.
First, you must burn more calories then you consume. Plain and simple. If you are taking in more calories by eating and drinking then you are burning calories at rest and during exercise, you are not going to lose weight! [3500 calories = 1 pound] That means if your "road map to success" is losing one pound a week, you have to burn 500 calories more then you consume in a day. That being said, the first thing to do is remove unnecessary foods and beverages from your diet. (i.e. soda, alcohol, ice cream, chocolate, Chipotle)
Second, start drinking water. Drink lots of water! You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day. Drinking water regulates your body temperature, transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, helps metabolism, lubricates and protects joints and detoxifies. Best of all it has 0 calories.
After you've cut the unnecessary foods and beverages from your diet, it's time to figure out how you are going to create your calorie deficit each day. Creating a calorie deficit can be done both, aerobically and anaerobically. Aerobic exercise requires oxygen and is performed for longer durations (i.e. walking, jogging, biking and swimming). Oxygen uptake is proportional to heat expenditure for aerobic exercise. That means, the more oxygen your body uses, the more calories your body will burn. Anaerobic exercise does not require oxygen and is performed for short durations (i.e. weight training and quick bursts of energy). Weight training helps your body burn more calories at rest by having to rebuild broken protein chains thus building more muscle. [1 lb of fat burns 2 calories/hour at rest | 1 lb of muscle burns 6 calories/hour at rest] Any good exercise program uses a balance of aerobic and anaerobic training.
I wish it was that easy but it's not all diet and exercise. Weight loss is mentally challenging as well. You have to really want to lose weight for a weight loss program to be successful. Weight loss doesn't come easy. In some cases, you have to change your entire life to see the results you want. Share your goals with the people around you so they can support and encourage you. Make sure you are holding yourself accountable for your actions both in exercise and diet. There is no such thing as a cheat day. Do not sabotage any of your hard work. Keep your focus until you reach your goal weight.
If you are finding it hard to stay focused and motivated on your own, find a partner. Find a co-worker, a neighbor, a family member, a friend or a personal trainer. Find someone that pushes you to "work towards something greater"!
Please, share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from reading it. Friend me on facebook [Trainer Jason] and follow me on twitter [@trainer_jason]. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog!
First, you must burn more calories then you consume. Plain and simple. If you are taking in more calories by eating and drinking then you are burning calories at rest and during exercise, you are not going to lose weight! [3500 calories = 1 pound] That means if your "road map to success" is losing one pound a week, you have to burn 500 calories more then you consume in a day. That being said, the first thing to do is remove unnecessary foods and beverages from your diet. (i.e. soda, alcohol, ice cream, chocolate, Chipotle)
Second, start drinking water. Drink lots of water! You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day. Drinking water regulates your body temperature, transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, helps metabolism, lubricates and protects joints and detoxifies. Best of all it has 0 calories.
After you've cut the unnecessary foods and beverages from your diet, it's time to figure out how you are going to create your calorie deficit each day. Creating a calorie deficit can be done both, aerobically and anaerobically. Aerobic exercise requires oxygen and is performed for longer durations (i.e. walking, jogging, biking and swimming). Oxygen uptake is proportional to heat expenditure for aerobic exercise. That means, the more oxygen your body uses, the more calories your body will burn. Anaerobic exercise does not require oxygen and is performed for short durations (i.e. weight training and quick bursts of energy). Weight training helps your body burn more calories at rest by having to rebuild broken protein chains thus building more muscle. [1 lb of fat burns 2 calories/hour at rest | 1 lb of muscle burns 6 calories/hour at rest] Any good exercise program uses a balance of aerobic and anaerobic training.
I wish it was that easy but it's not all diet and exercise. Weight loss is mentally challenging as well. You have to really want to lose weight for a weight loss program to be successful. Weight loss doesn't come easy. In some cases, you have to change your entire life to see the results you want. Share your goals with the people around you so they can support and encourage you. Make sure you are holding yourself accountable for your actions both in exercise and diet. There is no such thing as a cheat day. Do not sabotage any of your hard work. Keep your focus until you reach your goal weight.
If you are finding it hard to stay focused and motivated on your own, find a partner. Find a co-worker, a neighbor, a family member, a friend or a personal trainer. Find someone that pushes you to "work towards something greater"!
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